ImagineHealth is Thailand medical travel done right
We deliver positive outcomes to international patients and the leading healthcare providers they visit. BECOME A PATIENT BECOME A PROVIDER

Thailand medical travel has never shined so bright
ImagineHealth is reinventing relations between families and treatment facilities in the world’s premier healthcare destination. BECOME A PATIENT BECOME A PROVIDERWe’re not just a medical travel company, we’re a new concept!
ImagineHealth embodies due diligence & quality assurance. We’re not an online portal bidding for low prices in order to make profits; we’re a trustworthy partner with the expertise to ensure that you thoroughly understand the high-quality healthcare providers and innovative treatments on offer in Thailand.
Your ImagineHealth experience will begin when you share your health & wellness goals with us. Then, we will provide consultations on the best course of care and a personalised plan so you can proceed with confidence.
ImagineHealth Solutions
They are rooted in compassion and competence, which are what healthcare is all about.
Why Choose ImagineHealth?
The concept of due diligence & quality assurance in medical travel is the passion project of our founder and CEO, Mr. Henning Kalwa.
Thailand in numbers
$600 million
Revenue from medical travellers to Thailand in 2019 (pre- lockdown)
Top 15
6th Place
1+ Million
Thailand's medical travel done right
ImagineHealth Blog
Read the latest in Thailand medical travel news.
It’s information you need from our in-country team in plain-spoken language — not industry jargon or statistics.